First publishable summary

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First publishable summary
Second publishable summary

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Second publishable summary
Final publishable summary

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FInal publishable summary


First publishable summary

Stacks Image 5936

This report includes a summary description of the NANOCI objectives and a description of the main results achieved in the first 18 months of the project.

The NANOCI project had been progressing according to plan in the first period and many important issues had been solved. However, more challenges needed to be overcome in the second period before a judgment on the feasibility of the concept could be delivered. Independent of the final outcome, the scientific and personal interactions had been highly interesting and satisfying for the consortium partners.

First publishable summary

Second publishable summary

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This report includes a summary description of the NANOCI objectives and a description of the main results achieved in the last 18 months of the project.

Combining all developments of the NANOCI project, the proof of concept for the gapless interface between auditory neurons and the cochlear implant electrodes has been obtained in vivo. Methods of biomedical engineering, regenerative medicine and nanotechnology were used in concert to achieve this ambitious goal.

Second publishable summary

Final publishable summary

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This report provides an easy to read description of the NANOCI objectives and overall achievements.

Proof of concept was obtained for guided growth of auditory neurons towards the stimulating electrodes in vivo and for an up to five-fold reduction of energy needed for stimulation in vitro, there- by offering a solution to improve the man:machine interface in the inner ear.

Final publishable summary